A conversation with Isabel Derison


About 20 years ago, Isabel started her career as an external auditor, and then worked her way up into the internal audit function. 2 years ago, she joined the partner team at Grant Thornton. As Partner Business Risk Services, her focus is mainly on the developments and trends that businesses are concerned about today. Just think of topics such as sustainability, cyber security and whistleblowing. We're very curious about her take on the broad Diversity & Inclusion topic.



Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, women remain underrepresented in senior leadership positions in our profession. What's your view on this topic?

Isabel: "As far as I am concerned, people should not be stopped in any way from pursuing their ambitions, not only because of gender, but also because of religion, origin or background. I also believe that we shouldn't be focusing on this. As a woman, you want to be elected to enrich the competency matrix of a team, bringing in your strengths and often complementary knowledge and expertise. Women today are talented in a number of skills and expertise that bring value to the table: social & governance, sustainability, wellbeing, process thinking, positive and constructive collaboration, connectivity,...

In fact, gender, different origins and backgrounds are the best drivers to enrich that competency matrix of a team, the C suite and the Board of Directors. It’s right there where you want talent in all its flavors: technical and soft skills, expertise in all the domains relevant to the business and its futureproof state. Obviously it’s in this type of environment that woman want to become a leader, and not so much for reasons to meet certain mandatory quotas."

In addition to your role as partner, you have also been President of the Board at the Institute of Internal Auditors since 2021. Did you ever experience any opposition as a woman?

Isabel: "Absolutely not. Even at Grant Thornton, ever since I started, I am given an unrestricted mandate to bring new services to the market. Grant Thornton has a very open and supportive culture. So no, on the contrary, I have always experienced the opposite."

How does Grant Thornton champion diversity in the workplace? 

Isabel: "In many ways, starting from the recruitment phase all the way towards building a career path, I would say. By creating a safe and joyful working environment, by ensuring a good work-life balance and allowing everybody to grow at their own pace."

Finally, what advice would you give to our future female leaders?

Isabel: "Here I would like to answer in a broader sense: my advice does not just apply to all future female leaders, but to all future leaders in general. I once heard about the 4 Ps, and those align perfectly with how I see it. It’s all about being passionate, proactive, persistent and present. First of all, choose a domain that brings you energy, where you’re passionate about, and you’ll excel for sure. Also, take your career in your own hands, don’t wait to be asked. And last but not least, make sure that people know your goals and be persistent in chasing them."

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