‘The international network brought me to Australia' 

Lina enjoys sport in her spare time, and she’s also climbing ever higher up the ladder at Grant Thornton. Ten years ago she was still an ambitious junior auditor; today, Lina is a senior manager with the title of qualified auditor. Her career dream is to become a partner. ‘I embrace every new challenge.’ 


Who is Lina De Ridder? 

Position: Senior Manager Audit & Assurance Bundle of energy

Age: 31

Office: Vilvoorde

Energy source: getting to the bottom of new, complex files; team and client contact 

Hobbies: sport and socialising  


How did you end up at Grant Thornton? 

Lina: ‘When I graduated from KU Leuven in 2014, I knew immediately that I wanted a job in audit. I deliberately chose Grant Thornton. Fresh out of school, I was keen to work in a business with a family atmosphere. That and their international network were what won me over.’

What opportunities does Grant Thornton offer? 

Lina: ‘In less than ten years, I’ve risen from junior auditor to qualified auditor and senior manager. In each role I was able to develop further towards where I stand today. I continue to challenge myself with new and complex audit files, and as a manager I coach my team to become the best version of themselves. 

In the summer of 2022 I was also able to work at the member firm in Australia for four months. You learn a lot from a foreign adventure of that kind: I was able to update my technical expertise in international financial reporting standards and to strengthen my management skills. It was an unforgettable experience, and something that I encourage colleagues who have the same ambitions to embrace.’


‘I deliberately chose Grant Thornton. Their personal approach and international network were what won me over.’

- Lina De Ridder 


What makes working at Grant Thornton so enjoyable?

Lina: ‘Everyone here has complete freedom to pursue their own goals. I’ve been very career-oriented in recent years and felt enormously supported in my ambitions. But someone who wants to focus more on their family for the time being can opt for an adapted pathway. Well-being is a top priority for us. And of course there are also the fantastic colleagues! I now regard some of them as good friends.’

How do you see your future development? 

Lina: ‘My professional dream is to become a partner one day, but that won’t be for a while yet. I recently qualified as an auditor, which certainly opens new doors towards this ambition. In the future, I want to contribute further to the growth of our audit team at the Vilvoorde office.’ 


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