Making sure your organization’s integrity is protected and your fraud risk is mitigated

Whether it is external or internal fraud, every organization will be subject to fraud at a certain point in time along its lifecycle. Fraudsters become more inventive and can adopt different strategies depending on their target’s weaknesses.

Consequently, every organization benefits from applying a hybrid approach. Primary objective should be to prevent fraud, it is therefore crucial to ensure the appropriate level of fraud risk preventative measures are present in your organization. A code of conduct, policies and procedures in the field of integrity are best practices in this respect. Also the aspect of IT and cybersecurity are fundamental elements to assess. Next step is to ensure that the occurrence of potential fraud is monitored, for instance through continuous data monitoring or the installation of a whistleblow program and channel. Finally, if worse comes to worst and a potential fraud is uncovered, a forensic specialist might be required to ensure the fraud is investigated and appropriate actions are taken towards the fraudster. The investigation will provide insights on how the organization can improve and prevent a similar fraud in the future.

Get in touch
Isabel Derison
Business Risk Services | CIA, RFA, CCSA, CRMA | Partner Advisory
Isabel Derison
Business Risk Services | CIA, RFA, CCSA, CRMA | Partner Advisory
Isabel Derison

How Grant Thornton can help you

Our specialized forensic, legal and digital technology team conducts fact-finding investigations involving suspected fraud, bribery, corruption, integrity breaches,…

In addition, we provide fraud risk management advisory services to help organisations understand their exposure to fraud and implement preventative measures.

We offer the following services:

  • fact-finding investigations
  • fraud risk management and framework advisory
  • fraud awareness training, dilemma training
  • integrity and culture assessment and design of policies and procedures
  • digital forensic, e-discovery, data analytics
  • anti-Money Laundering (AML), Anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) services
  • whistleblow services.