Become compliant with whistleblower legislation

The whistleblower law came into force in Belgium on 15 February 2023. Is your company compliant yet? Grant Thornton can help you with all aspects of implementing your whistleblower policy in a cost-efficient manner, so you can both be sure of being fully compliant and prevent losses from fraud.

Whistleblower legislation: more than just a chore 

There are many advantages to applying the law on whistleblowing properly. Here are the three main ones:

  1. Legal compliance: by applying with the law properly you will avoid fines of up to 48,000 euros.
  2. Protection against internal fraud: companies without a whistleblower policy lose up to 5% of their annual turnover through fraud. The whistleblower legislation presents an opportunity to halve that figure and to build a case against a fraudulent employee in a legal manner.

  3. Corporate reputation: taking steps to ensure a transparent and respectful culture will give a boost to your corporate reputation.


We can help you apply the law on whistleblowing

Nowhere in Belgium will you find more expertise on the whistleblower law than at Grant Thornton. In fact, we were involved in the development of the law, so we understand the best way for you to comply with it. Our advisors will support you with all practical aspects of doing so.

‘In order to give our employees optimal protection, we decided to adopt a broad interpretation of the whistleblower law, although not at the company’s expense of course. We wanted to be compliant with the law at all times. Our discussions with the external experts from Grant Thornton showed that we could choose to add elements to our policies to maintain the ample protection we give our employees.’
Maurizio Carlone Compliance Manager & Whistleblowing Officer, Proximus

We can help you apply the law on whistleblowing

Nowhere in Belgium will you find more expertise on the whistleblower law than at Grant Thornton. In fact, we were involved in the development of the law, so we understand the best way for you to comply with it. Our advisors will support you with all practical aspects of doing so.

Installing a whistleblowing tool

We can install a user-friendly and secure whistleblowing tool with associated procedures. 

Managing reports 

We will follow up on the reports that come in via your reporting channels and give you guidance on handling them.

Internal audit 

If you already have a whistleblower policy, we will perform an internal audit to assess whether your system is compliant.

Whistleblowing officer

Bring in an independent Grant Thornton advisor with a forensic and legal background. For specific issues, he or she can contact Grant Thornton’s experts on taxation, VAT or finance, for example.

Here’s how the Grant Thornton Whistleblower Program works


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Maarten Van Knippenberg
Business Risk Services | Director Advisory
Maarten Van Knippenberg

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