Exploiting growth opportunities

Once a company is active in its own country with some success, the logical next step for many entrepreneurs is to develop activities across the borders. They see opportunities in other countries that they would like to exploit. Doing business internationally always raises issues that can distract you from your core business. For a foreign venture to be successful, these matters need to be sorted out properly; otherwise, problems will arise sooner or later. Examples include labour law issues, tax costs and obligations and requirements regarding financial reporting. Every country has its own laws and rules. As experienced consultants, we can assist you in this without any problem.

International network

For complex issues concerning international business, we will work on a cross-border basis. Grant Thornton in Belgium is part of an international network active in more than 130 countries worldwide. Customers who do business internationally can always find the right service through us in the country where they want to do business. Thanks to our international network, we always have access to the expertise in the local market.

Our expertise

Our experts can advise you on all aspects of international business.

Areas of expertise include:

  • International tax & VAT
  • Legal aspects
  • Transfer pricing
  • Global Mobility Services
  • IFRS reporting

Would you like to know how Grant Thornton can support you with complex issues relating to international business? If so, contact us.

Doing business internationally

Transfer pricing

Our experts help document your transfer pricing principles, intra company transactions and internal reporting and organisation. They design and implement settlement pricing structures for both national and multi-national companies. When services are centralized, they determine acceptable costs and margins.

Global mobility services

International employment has become a standard practice in today's HR policies. Nevertheless, it raises several questions for both the expat and the employer.

International tax & VAT

If your business has grown internationally or if you’re considering to take the step to expand abroad, you want to continue maximizing your efforts. Where domestic corporate tax laws may already be quite complicated, local legislation in other countries and international tax laws will most certainly add to the complexity of your business environment and organization.

IFRS reporting

IFRS reporting services for international groups and SMEs.

Frederik De Graeve
Certified Tax Advisor | Partner Tax & Legal
Frederik De Graeve