The European International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been mandatory for listed companies in the European Union since 2005. However, these standards also offer specific advantages for non-listed companies or SMEs.

Should you switch to IFRS?

Any business that applies IFRS automatically presents itself as a professional company that attaches importance to its financial reporting. Moreover, if your organisation has branches in several countries, IFRS offers common accounting principles, which makes consolidation easier at holding company level.

Our experts know the pros and cons, and together with you they can run through the exercise of working out whether it's worth switching from Belgian accounting principles to IFRS. We can also calculate the impact of applying IFRS on both your current and projected financial statements and help you adjust your internal reporting systems accordingly. We can prepare your full financial statements based on IFRS.

Danny De Jonge
Registered Auditor | Partner, Audit & Assurance
Danny De Jonge

Advice in complex situations

Does your company already apply IFRS? Applying international standards can be very complex. It’s often difficult to follow all the developments in national legislation and stay on top of the regulations with regard to IFRS too.

Our experts can help you with extremely complex transactions and operations. Thanks to our international network, our experts can roll out IFRS for all your subsidiaries in line with your financial strategy.