Company law

Organisations are accountable to various different stakeholders, both internal and external, including shareholders, directors and management. Support from an expert with meeting all reporting requirements can undoubtedly add value to your organisation.

Grant Thornton’s legal experts specialise in giving advice to and helping to structure:

  • All corporate stakeholders within Belgian companies, associations and other legal entities
  • Internal relationships within legal entities (through shareholder agreements, internal operating policies, management agreements, etc.)
  • External relationships (risks and liability of shareholders and directors/managers with respect to trading partners, the government, etc.).
Tim Dausy
Legal Advisor | Director Tax & Legal
Tim Dausy

We also advise on structuring the way in which the various stakeholders participate in the operational functioning of the company or legal entity and the way in which companies in a group are structured and interact with each other.

In conjunction with our employment law advisors, we also offer specialist advice in the field of management, service provision and outsourcing contracts.


Underpin your transactions, mergers and acquisitions with clear legal agreements

Mergers and acquisitions represent a challenge for dynamic organisations. As a manager or entrepreneur you want to examine that challenge from all angles in order to obtain the best conditions. That’s why Grant Thornton professionals work on merger, sale or acquisition operations on an integrated process management basis.

This means that they are intensively involved from the first (and crucial) information phase right through to the sealing of the deal. We’ll sit at your side at the negotiating table and contribute actively to the conclusion of the transaction in all its legal aspects.

Due diligence investigation

Grant Thornton can provide a thorough and comprehensive legal analysis of a potential target company. We’ll prepare a clear report identifying the legal risks. We can also offer an all-in due diligence assessment in conjunction with our tax specialists and auditors.

Corporate reorganisations 

Redesigning your group structure can deliver significant cost savings and/or efficiency improvements. The restructuring operations defined in the Companies and Non-Profit Organisations Code (mergers, demergers, contributions or transfers of a business division, etc.) provide you with the legal tools to achieve this. Grant Thornton will be happy to advise you on the required procedure and then guide you through the various steps.