Manage your business relationships with a good conflict management strategy

Maintaining good relationships with your external stakeholders and within your organisation is not always easy. The opinions of partners on how to lead the company or on how to implement strategy may increasingly diverge in the course of time. Also in the context of your partnerships and contracts with distributors, trade representatives, service providers or suppliers, disputes may arise.

Our legal consultants understand that these relationships are very valuable to you and your business. We understand that you want to avoid legal proceedings to protect them. The Grant Thornton legal team can support you both during conflict mediation as well as litigation.  

Conflict mediation and advice

Tim Dausy
Legal Advisor | Director Tax & Legal
Tim Dausy

The Grant Thornton legal team can issue advice on the position that you could adopt towards your fellow partners or contract partners in the event of a conflict. We can also play the role of independent mediator, listening to all parties involved and help you negotiate a solution that can blow new life into your partnership. Once you have agreed on a solution, our advisers can help you formalize it through legal agreements and contracts. 

Litigation support

In some cases, having a court of law decide on a dispute may be inevitable or even desirable. Grant Thornton can take care of the litigation proceedings as would an internal legal department, reporting to you in accordance with your requirements.