Belgian labour and social security law is a regulatory labyrinth in which employers can easily lose their way.

We provide plain answers in the form of practical and clear advice on labour and social security law, from the start of the employment relationship through to the employee’s departure from the company (dismissal, retirement, etc.).

Support with workforce restructuring

The implementation of workforce restructuring often requires compliance with various specific laws (with severe penalties in the event of a violation.) We can assist you throughout the process, keeping sectoral provisions and business-specific systems in mind:

  • drawing up a redundancy plan (early retirement schemes, unemployment benefits with a company supplement, time credit, etc.)
  • applying for recognition as a company in difficulty or undergoing restructuring
  • assistance with legal compliance
  • drafting of collective labour agreements.
Tim Dausy
Legal Advisor | Director Tax & Legal
Tim Dausy

Social dialogue

Grant Thornton can guide you through negotiations with trade unions. We will make preparations for you, sit next to you at the negotiating table and participate actively in the formation of collective agreements (covering matters such as meal voucher allocation, harmonisation of employment and pay conditions, etc.).

National and international employment helpdesk

There are a lot of things to consider when you hire employees in Belgium or second employees to Belgium.

As a foreign employer you may not be sufficiently aware of Belgian legislation. The employees themselves will also have many questions. We can advise you on the social and tax consequences of national and international employment and provide assistance with completing the formalities and starting up the payroll in Belgium.

Employment outside Belgium

Grant Thornton can also advise you on the consequences in Belgium of an international hiring and the formalities to be completed. If required, we can involve a Grant Thornton office in the destination country.