It’s not just at key moments such as acquisitions, share transactions and mergers that legal support is important: your normal operational activities may also have legal implications.

Grant Thornton’s legal experts will get to know your business thoroughly, assisting you with every legal consideration and ensuring a streamlined process. At Grant Thornton we understand that you need an all-round advisor for this – someone to keep you constantly informed of changes to the law, and, of course, advise you on the best way to deal with them.

Signing contracts?

Contracts form an important part of business life.

  • rental and leasing contracts
  • management and service agreements
  • shareholder agreements
  • production and licensing agreements
  • franchise agreements
  • property transactions
  • intellectual property
  • etc.
Tim Dausy
Legal Advisor | Director Tax & Legal
Tim Dausy

Sound agreements with your stakeholders form the basis of good entrepreneurship, and closing a deal usually comes down to concluding an agreement. At Grant Thornton, we understand the importance of a clear and legally enforceable contract.

Our legal advisers write clear and balanced contracts that express the parties’ intentions in unambiguous legal language. On request, we can screen contract proposals for legal risks and suggest adjustments: it’s the best way to ensure that the contract upholds your interests properly.