When redesigning your organisation to find a good match with your strategy, make sure that you understand legal consequences and optimize your position to maximize your results

Redesigning your group structure and/or the implementation of social restructuring can result in a significant cost reduction and/or efficiency improvement. Our legal team advises on the best procedure and guide you through the various steps that you need to take.

Tim Dausy
Legal Advisor | Director Tax & Legal
Tim Dausy

Assistance in social restructuring

The implementation of social restructuring often requires observing specific legislation with significant penalties for non-compliance. We can assist you in the full process with an eye for the sectoral provisions and the internal systems:

  • preparing a social plan (early retirement schemes, gap pension, time credits etc.)
  • applying for classification as a company with payment difficulties or in the process of restructuring
  • assistance in compliance with the legal procedures
  • preparing company CLA’s.

Social negotiations

The Grant Thornton legal team offer assistance for social negotiations with the unions. We will prepare you, sit next to you at the negotiation table, actively collaborating in the development of the company CLA’s, regarding various subjects (allocation of meal vouchers, harmonisation of employment and remuneration conditions etc.).